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Magical David receives a frantic call from a mom:

"Magical David I am so glad you picked up the phone. The Singing With Friends CD broke and our daughter is in tears. We bought it

last year and we are at our Summer home in Connecticut. Can you please Fed X it?

"My daughter (5 year old) and all her friends are going "MAGICAL DAVID CRAZY" and "Singing With Friends" is her favorite album. Do you do private shows?" 

- NY City Mom's message

"Magical David had every child and adult in the palm of his hand. His patter is so engaging, he held 15,000 spellbound"  

- "Meadow's" Director, Mr. Randy Garelick

"His unique shows combines stand up comedy, magical illusions & live music in a way that keeps children & parents mesmerized, singing, dancing and giggling for a full hour" 


"Magical David's Singing With Friends is a masterpiece that  "will transport your child to a world of imagination"

- Avon Holiday/Christmas Gift Catalogue 


Magical David receives a call from a mom:

"Magical David, I want you to know that our 15 month old daughter's first words were "Di Di Di" from your Dinosaur song! Now she's singing it all day long!"

"When our new car was stolen our 4 yr old boy cried, not because the car was stolen mind you, but because the Magical David CD was inside!"


- NY dad after a public concert


Magical David arrives at the show and the mom says:

I just want you to know that, as a surprise, we hired a Power Ranger to come before your show and a few minutes ago, our son (6) kicked him out of the house saying: "No Power Rangers, I want Magical David"!

"Our six year old son is so in love with the Magical David character

that he possesses the tape like a teddy bear. It is a great album(My Husband & twelve year old enjoy it too), but I hope he grows out of this before his wedding!" 

- Westchester Mom

"The tape is fabulous....he is getting so involved with the animal characters and songs..... next year he insists that he will become Magical David" 

- Connecticut Mom

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